Everything is a story and every story is important... I just saw Hair on Broadway recently and remembered what life was like as a college student in the 60s, remembered old high school friends who were killed in Viet Nam, remembered my cousin Jeff who died there, too. I cried for them, for the non-stop need to do social justice work, and for the desire to write about it as my talk-story, my life-story. All of our stories are important. Write, friends, then share your stories here...
Illuminating lives, history, and scholarship of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people, and our allies through quality literature.
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Purple Books Publishing illuminates the lives, history, and scholarship of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and our allies of all ages.
Divisons include: memoir and biography; history, academics, research and commentary; youth and young adult; and poetry, scripts and art books.
Portions of sales, both online and in print, are donated to various LGBT youth, aging, university, and health organizations. When your non-profit organization hosts a reading/book signing, proceeds from sales that day, both online and in person, go to directly to your group.
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